
Study MBBS in Kyrgyzstan

Studying MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) in Kyrgyzstan through Fortune Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh can be a beneficial choice for medical aspirants. Fortune Education is an authorized representative of various medical colleges and universities in Kyrgyzstan, and they are a leading education consultant specializing in medical education. Here are some details about studying MBBS in Kyrgyzstan through Fortune Education:

  1. Authorized Representative: Fortune Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh is an authorized representative of several medical colleges and universities in Kyrgyzstan. This means they have established partnerships and official agreements with these institutions, ensuring that students receive accurate and reliable information about the programs, admission requirements, and other necessary details.
  2. Expert Guidance: As a pioneer leading education consultant for medical aspirants, Fortune Education offers expert guidance and counseling services to students who wish to study MBBS in Kyrgyzstan. They have experienced and knowledgeable consultants who can provide comprehensive information about the available options, help students choose the right university based on their preferences and eligibility, and guide them through the entire admission process.
  3. University Selection: Fortune Education can assist students in selecting the most suitable medical college or university in Kyrgyzstan based on their academic background, budget, and career goals. They have access to a wide range of reputable institutions and can provide detailed information about the curriculum, faculty, facilities, and recognition of each university.
  4. Admission Assistance: Fortune Education helps students with the entire admission process, including application form filling, document verification, and submission. They ensure that all necessary documents are prepared accurately and guide students in meeting the university’s admission requirements. They also assist in securing student visas and provide support throughout the visa application process.
  5. Visa Assistance and Travel Arrangements: Fortune Education assists students in obtaining the necessary student visa for studying in Kyrgyzstan. They provide guidance on the required documentation, help students prepare for the visa interview, and support them in fulfilling the visa application requirements. Additionally, they can offer assistance with travel arrangements, including flight bookings and accommodation arrangements.
  6. Pre-departure and Post-arrival Support: Fortune Education provides pre-departure orientations to prepare students for studying and living in Kyrgyzstan. They offer guidance on adapting to a new culture, understanding the educational system, and managing practical aspects such as accommodation, banking, and healthcare. They also provide ongoing support to students after their arrival in Kyrgyzstan to ensure a smooth transition and help them settle into their new environment.

About Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan, officially known as the Kyrgyz Republic, is a landlocked country located in Central Asia. Here are some details about Kyrgyzstan:

Geography: Kyrgyzstan is bordered by Kazakhstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tajikistan to the southwest, and China to the east. The country is characterized by its mountainous landscape, with the Tien Shan Mountain range dominating the southern part of the country. It is home to many beautiful lakes, including Lake Issyk-Kul, which is one of the largest alpine lakes in the world.

Capital: The capital and largest city of Kyrgyzstan is Bishkek. It serves as the political, economic, and cultural center of the country. Bishkek is known for its wide boulevards, Soviet-era architecture, and vibrant markets.

Population and Ethnicity: Kyrgyzstan has a population of approximately 6.5 million people. The majority of the population is ethnically Kyrgyz, while there are also significant Uzbek, Russian, and other minority communities. Kyrgyz is the official language, but Russian is widely spoken and serves as an important lingua franca.

Culture and Tradition: Kyrgyzstan has a rich cultural heritage influenced by its nomadic history and the traditions of the Turkic peoples. Traditional Kyrgyz arts, crafts, music, and cuisine play an important role in the country’s cultural identity. The Kyrgyz people are known for their hospitality, and nomadic traditions such as yurt-dwelling and horseback riding are still practiced in certain regions.

Economy: The economy of Kyrgyzstan is predominantly based on agriculture, mining, and services. The country has significant mineral resources, including gold, coal, and uranium. Tourism is also an important sector, with visitors drawn to the natural beauty of the mountains, lakes, and cultural attractions.

Education: Kyrgyzstan has a well-established education system, with several universities and colleges offering a wide range of academic programs. The country is increasingly attracting international students, especially in the field of medicine, with its affordable tuition fees and quality medical education.

Tourism: Kyrgyzstan offers diverse opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Its stunning landscapes, including mountains, lakes, and national parks, provide ample opportunities for activities such as trekking, skiing, horseback riding, and camping. Cultural attractions, such as historic sites, museums, and traditional festivals, also attract visitors.

Political System: Kyrgyzstan is a parliamentary republic with a multi-party political system. The president serves as the head of state, while the prime minister is the head of government. The country has experienced political transitions and constitutional reforms since gaining independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Kyrgyzstan is a country with a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and warm hospitality. It offers visitors and residents alike a chance to explore its stunning landscapes, experience nomadic traditions, and immerse themselves in a rich tapestry of history and culture.

Studying MBBS in Kyrgyzstan through Fortune Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh can provide students with reliable and comprehensive support throughout the entire process, from university selection to post-arrival assistance. It is important for students to communicate directly with Fortune Education to obtain specific information about their services, the universities they represent, and the detailed process of studying MBBS in Kyrgyzstan.

List of Medical Colleges in Kyrgyzstan

List of some prominent medical colleges in Kyrgyzstan:

Kyrgyz State Medical Academy
International School of Medicine, Kyrgyzstan
Jalal-Abad State University Medical Faculty
Osh State University Medical Faculty
Asian Medical Institute
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University Medical Faculty
Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University Medical Faculty
I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy
Osh State Medical University
Kyrgyz National University Medical Faculty

Fortune Education believes in personalized counseling to understand each student’s unique requirements and aspirations. They provide individualized guidance, address students’ concerns, and offer tailored solutions to ensure that students make well-informed decisions about their education and future career in medicine.Army Medical Colleges in Bangladesh

Fortune Education, as a recognized medical admission consultant, offers online direct MBBS admissions in reputed medical colleges abroad. With their expertise, extensive network, and comprehensive support services, they assist students in fulfilling their dreams of studying medicine and embarking on a successful medical career.

Online /Direct Admission & Seat Confirmation


Head Office:
23/C, Zigatola, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile & WhatsApp: +88-01995529533
Offices IN India:
Mobile & WhatsApp: +91-9903355537

Bangladesh has become a hub for international students seeking high-quality medical education at an affordable cost. With its globally recognized curriculum, English-medium instruction, and welcoming environment, the country offers an excellent opportunity for aspiring doctors. Below, we explore various aspects of pursuing an MBBS degree in Bangladesh for foreign students, highlighting why it’s a sought-after destination.

MBBS Fees in Bangladesh for Foreign Students

One of the most appealing aspects of studying MBBS in Bangladesh is the affordability of tuition fees compared to other countries. The cost of completing an MBBS program in Bangladesh varies between colleges but is generally lower than in many Western and Asian countries, making it an attractive option for international students. The fees cover tuition, lab, and library charges, with additional costs for accommodation and living expenses, which are also relatively low.

Direct MBBS Admission in Bangladesh for International Students

Bangladesh offers direct MBBS admission for international students, simplifying the entry process. Applicants typically need to meet the eligibility criteria set by the respective medical colleges and the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) Bangladesh. Direct admission processes eliminate the need for entrance exams in many colleges, relying instead on academic performance in secondary and higher secondary education.

Best MBBS Colleges in Bangladesh for International Students

Bangladesh boasts several top-ranked medical colleges that are recognized internationally for their quality of education, research facilities, and clinical training. These include both government and private institutions, each providing comprehensive MBBS programs designed to meet global standards. The country’s Army Medical Colleges are particularly renowned for their discipline, state-of-the-art facilities, and high standards of education.

MBBS Program Details in Bangladesh for Foreign Students

The MBBS program in Bangladesh spans 5 years of academic education followed by a 1-year internship in affiliated hospitals. The curriculum is divided into pre-clinical, para-clinical, and clinical phases, covering all essential aspects of medical science. The program is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to excel in their medical careers.

Eligibility for MBBS in Bangladesh for International Students

Eligibility criteria for international students include a minimum GPA in Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examinations or equivalent, with a specific focus on Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Additionally, applicants must pass a medical fitness test. Some colleges may have further specific requirements, so it’s essential to consult individual institutions or educational consultants like Fortune Education for precise details.

MBBS in Bangladesh Course Duration for Foreign Students

The MBBS course in Bangladesh is structured over six years, including a one-year internship, which is compulsory for all students. This duration is in line with international standards, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for medical practice or further studies anywhere in the world.

Why Study MBBS in Bangladesh for International Students

Global Recognition: Degrees from Bangladesh are recognized by major international bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), making graduates eligible for leading postgraduate exams worldwide.

Quality Education at Low Cost: The combination of affordable tuition fees and high-quality education makes Bangladesh an ideal destination for medical studies.

Cultural and Clinical Exposure: International students gain valuable exposure to a diverse range of cultures and clinical experiences, enhancing their understanding of global health issues.

English Medium Instruction: The medium of instruction is English, facilitating a seamless learning experience for foreign students.

Welcoming Environment: Bangladesh is known for its hospitality, offering a friendly and supportive environment for international students.

Studying MBBS in Bangladesh presents a gateway to a successful medical career for international students, combining quality education, affordable costs, and a globally recognized degree. With direct admission options and comprehensive support services available through consultants like Fortune Education, Bangladesh stands out as a prime destination for medical education on the international stage.

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